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Saltimbocca a la Gabriella (3 pers.)

A recipe from Luisa Bernhardt, Bonn

6 slices of veal, cut thinly. (also possible with beef) 6 slices of Parma ham, 6 leaves of sage, as fresh as possible. (Be careful, dried sage is more intense in aroma!) 1-2 cloves of garlic, olive oil, salt, pepper, 200 ml Gabriella's salad dressing

Thinly sliced veal slightly beat, season with salt and pepper and cover with the sage. Wrap one slice of Parma ham around each and fry briefly on both sides with the crushed garlic cloves. A simple recipe for quick cooking but with refinement: The famous Saltimbocca, made from veal, is particularly refined when served with a seasoned Gabriella sauce. The creamy, nutty taste goes perfectly with sage and Parma ham. Arrange everything nicely on a large plate and pour Gabriella's salad dressing over it. Serve with fresh, lukewarm ciabatta or baguette.

By the way, did you know that salt in bocca means "jump in the mouth"?